I heard these words while listening to a book on audible this week, “your life is supposed to feel good to you.” The words really hit me because for most of my life I didn’t feel good and only recently have found out how to feel good and am relishing in feeling that way 99% of the time.

For me, the secret to feeling good was cleaning my subconscious. It was packed with limiting beliefs about my health, my self-esteem, my relationships, my prosperity, my grief and loss, my personal power and the list goes on and on. It was also about getting my core beliefs right. If my subconscious believes that I love myself and that I hate myself, that is confusion in my system and it feels like discord, dissonance and depression. I had to forgive myself others and take responsibility for my own life. I had to flush out all trauma from my conception through my future death. After all this was straight I felt physical, mental and spiritual joy. It was always in me, it was just covered by a million layers of limiting beliefs that kept me from living my highest self and purpose and expression. What a relief to get out from under all of that!

The subconscious is 1 million times more powerful than the conscious mind. If it’s pulling us down it’s near impossible to fight it. Free yourself with the power of the subconscious mind. Imagine it like someone who is loosing their vision and has to hold a piece of paper either further away or closer up to be able to see it. What if you said, sorry, you have to see it right where I choose to hold it. They might be able to strain and see it for a minute but they probably could not read a book like that. Put that paper at the right distance for them and they can easily decipher the words. With mindfulness the conscious mind can try to feel how you want to feel but the moment you stop trying to be mindful that feeling is overpowered by a subconscious program.

I feel so incredibly blessed to have found subconscious changed. It has gotten rid of my physical pain which was so bad I could not even sit down for years. It fixed my relationships so that they are continuing and thriving instead of withering and dying. It’s allowed me to feel a joy I’ve never felt before. Life IS supposed to feel good and I’m so glad to finally feel it!