According to the amazing tool ChatGPT, here’s a brief overview of the four personality types:

1. Type A:
  • Competitive, ambitious, and goal-oriented
  • Highly organized and driven
  • Prone to stress and impatience
2. Type B:
  • Relaxed, easygoing, and adaptable
  • Less focused on competition and deadlines
  • Enjoys leisure and tends to handle stress well
3. Type C:
  • Detail-oriented, analytical, and perfectionistic
  • Emotionally reserved and focused on accuracy
  • May suppress emotions, risking stress-related issues
4. Type D:
  • Pessimistic, anxious, and prone to worry
  • Seeks stability and avoids social interaction
  • Sensitive to criticism and may experience chronic stress

These types help explain how people respond to stress, work, and relationships.

Last night I was listening to an audible book called Dr. John Sarno’s Top 10 Healing Discoveries. In the book, Steve Ozanich talks about the Type T personality. In this example, T stands for Tension! And according to Dr. John Sarno M.D., tension is why we have pain. Mind tension causes body tension and pain. Tension also causes a lack of blood flow, weakness, tingling, burning, and more.

If you look at the personality types, the more driven and the more perfectionist your personality type, the more you tend to have pain in your body created from tension in your mind.

The main problem, besides your body hurting, is that you think something is wrong with your body and most doctors will agree with you. But according to Dr. John Sarno M.D., most often pain is caused by tension in the mind.

I lived on pain pills, Ibuprofen, and Tylenol from 12 years old till 40 years old when I chose to believe this theory and transform my pain with this new way of thinking. As most of you know from my story, it worked like magic.

Although my pain has been gone for 9 years now, I still get mild twinges of pain on a regular basis all over my body, and the higher the stress in my life, the more often I feel the pain. The good news is that I can almost always immediately resolve it with my mind.

I had a perfect example of how this happened to me while I was listening to the book last night. I was out for a walk. My husband called and asked me a question. All of a sudden my knee started hurting really bad, so much so that I could hardly keep walking. When I hung up, I smiled knowing that what he asked had hit a subconscious trigger causing pain. I asked myself why the question might have upset me subconsciously. I concluded that my perception was that with his question, he was blaming me for something he did! While I consciously didn’t even notice the thought at first, I sure felt it in my knee!

So then what? I was at least a mile from my car. How did I get back? I worked on my mind so my knee stopped hurting.

Next time you hurt, remember there is probably not something wrong with your body, there is probably something upsetting your subconscious mind that distracts you with body pain so you don’t have to deal with the emotion.

If you are ready to get rid of your pain, you’ve got to look at the emotions and be more aware of how you are feeling and then work on your mind.

How do you change your mind? With my app of course. Change your mind to change your pain.

Learn more about my app and get it on a free trial here.

And, remember this Type T for Tension-type is subconscious below the surface. You might not think you are a Type T but if you’ve got body pain you are a Type T. Change it today.

“The evidence of this work is really stacking up!! I can’t remember the last headache let alone migraine. I’ve been eating wheat cautiously but with no recourse! I’m sleeping like a baby and overall feel settled and peaceful – not anxious and constantly reframing to how would I rather feel! Thank you for helping me get to this place!” -James

To feeling good even if you are a driven and perfectionistic type-

Jenny and the Balanced You™ team