I used to think my mind and body were separate. Maybe because I grew up in a world of allopathic medicine where if my body hurts I go to the doctor.  The doctor asks what’s wrong with my body and then attempts to fix my body. The doctor typically asks if I was in an accident or sporting injury or if the condition runs in my family because maybe I just inherited the problem etc. The doctor can give me blood tests, x-rays, prescriptions, surgery, recommend physical therapy etc. But what about the mind. Does the mind have anything to do with the equation?

I suffered with endometriosis for 20+ years. While trying to solve that issue, I was never asked by a doctor what was going on in my life emotionally. To make a long story short, I finally had surgery, a full hysterectomy at 35 years old. Luckily the surgery fixed the pain BUT guess what? The pain came back in another form. The body really is a perfect bio-feedback machine and I clearly was not getting the message so my wise system was again attempting to talk to me! At age 37, I broke my back and the chronic pain returned. This time with a vengeance. At least with endometriosis the pain was only brutal during my menstrual cycle. During my endometriosis years, I lived my life 3 weeks per month active and 1 week per month curled up in a ball crying. The burning back pain however was 24/7 for years. So what did I do? First tried all the eastern medicine ideas I knew of but after years of trying and not even being able to sit in a chair, I gave in a had major surgery. I was hopeful that the surgery would get rid of my pain just like the last surgery had. I was not so lucky this time around. Rods, screws and a synthetic disc later the burning pain continued plus I had a lot of surgery healing to do. My body was trying to talk to me and I was NOT LISTENING. The pain I was feeling in my body was a response to the pain in my mind I later learned.  I didn’t realize this was going on. If someone would have told me my emotions were effecting my body, I would have told them they were crazy and my life was great. I learned very well how to hide my own pain, even from myself. It took quite a bit of digging before Pandora’s Box was open, the real issues came out and the pain stopped. What a blessed day that was.

Next time you have an ache or pain or maybe you even have something chronic, think of my story and ask yourself what could be causing your pain. Write a list of what your system could be unhappy with from childhood on up. Next write a list of what you’d rather have instead. How would you rather feel about a person, an event, a situation? What would you like to be different? Once you have that list, see my blog post, How to Change Your Life. Happy healing!