I posted a semi vague Facebook post the other day about an “opportunity” and to text me if the reader wanted more information. I left it kind of vague because I wanted to explain the opportunity in a more custom way based on who called. The fascinating part was people read my post and based on their perception, assumed what the opportunity was. I was getting calls and texts with people telling me their response to my opportunity assuming they knew what it was. I was so surprised that they were responding before even asking what the opportunity was. One person called thinking I was looking for a realtor to help me buy a home. Another called to sign up for my subconscious change services. While I was excited for the new subconscious change client, the opportunity was an advertising opportunity for a women’s event. It gave me a chuckle and a good reminder about perception. We see through our lens of perception based on our thoughts, beliefs, experiences, upbringing, assumptions, culture etc.

I was at the drive-in carwash and was again reminded of perception. The car wash is set up so that a car can be drying while the car close behind it is being washed. I remember the first time I was in the dry position and a car pulled up right behind me to get washed. Water started spraying everywhere and big brushes started spinning throwing water in all directions it seemed. I felt myself getting agitated thinking the guy behind me was ruining the dry job my car should be getting. I was really getting upset and not sure what to do about the situation. I was assuming this was not the normal way the car wash ran. I was assuming the guy behind me drove in during my wash and was ruining my dry. The next time I was at the carwash, I was behind the car being washed and was shocked to see that when the car was just starting to dry, the wash was prompting me to pull forward and start my wash. Wait what? Won’t that ruin the dry job of the car in front of me? Maybe not if that is how the wash was designed. My earlier perception and upset about the guy behind me barging into the wash and ruining my dry was not accurate. My perception was wrong. I got upset for no reason. Now I’m driving into the wash hoping the guy in front of me knows I’m not ruining his wash.

What in your life would you like to change your perception of? Your health and wellness, your relationships, your success? What would be different if you were able to shift your perception? Changing perception is not trying to see things different, not putting yourself in the other fellow’s shoes but more like putting on a pair of prescription glasses and seeing things different. What would you like to see differently? How could you change your perception? I have found that the best way to change perception is to change the lens you are looking through. The subconscious is our lens. When we reprogram the subconscious, everything is different.