You’ll never believe this…

The moral of the story… don’t believe everything your brain tells you!

Why? Because it can be tricked.

And, most often the “trick” is not on purpose like in this video. Most often the “trick” is that your brain sees through the lens of your perception. You are playing tricks on yourself. Not on purpose of course. You just see what you see and feel what you feel and think what you think.

It’s powerful to question yourself. Are you looking at your “rubber hand” or your “real hand?” We tend to want to back up what we see but when we can question what we think, it opens us up to new realities that support us instead of sabotage us.

Where in your life can your perception be telling you something different than reality?

Maybe your brain is telling you that you are not:


What have you been telling yourself that maybe is not true at all?
What would you rather believe?
What can you do to see or think or feel in this new way?

Remember, either you are controlling your brain or your brain is controlling you. Get back in the driver’s seat of your life by seeing yourself and your life in the way you want to see it today!

Remember, you control your reality. Make it great!

To your wellness and success-

Jenny and the Balanced You™ team