If your system can turn the bread you eat into blood, bone and muscle, imagine what else it could do for you! It’s time to get out of your own way and let your system heal you in any way you want or desire.

I’ve had a full circle moment when it comes to understanding the power of the mind. I was a headstrong kid with a mind of my own and zero respect for authority unless I felt they earned it. This did not go over well in my home.  Like many, I was “forced” to act the way I was told. Early on I started faking who I was and ignoring how I felt because I was told that I was not acceptable the way I was. This experience for the first 18 years of my life turned into a huge feeling of disconnect within myself and lack of understanding of who I really was, how I felt and what I really wanted. I was always trying instead of being. I commonly felt bad inside and did things to make up for those feeling like being ultra-successful in school, sports, music and work. Because I was very successful, I got lots of positive praise which helped ease some of the bad internal feelings. This praise also caused me to think I had good self-esteem. I’d notice however that when anyone would say or do something that I could somehow perceive as a negative, I’d feel crushed. Like I wanted to die type of crushed. Why did I feel so crushed? I didn’t understand it. In typically Jenny fashion I’d ignore these feeling and move on. This internal disconnect made my marriage pretty hard. I started to project my internal feelings of “mad, bad, sad,” blaming them on my husband because if he would just x,y,z then I’d feel better!

I started reading positive books and saying affirmations and again trying to be something other than how I felt or what I was. I was not acknowledging what was really going on inside of me, just trying to cover it up with positivity. Unfortunately faking happiness did not help my internal feelings. I had a lot of health challenge thought out my life. Like any feelings I had, I ignored them and pushed thought as much as possible. In 2014 my system had had enough of this internal stress and confusion and started talking to me in the form of burning back pain. In 2013 I had broken my back so I assumed the pain was from the injury and was a structural problem. I tried EVERTYING I ever heard of to get rid of the pain. It was so bad that I could not sit in a chair for years. In 2015 I had major surgery to fix the pain once and for all but to no avail. In December 2015 I met a subconscious doctor who found through muscle testing that my burning pain was emotional pain. Wait what? I was subconsciously causing this pain for myself. How could that be? My system was trying to communicate with me and figured it had to be louder than a siren for me to listen. I found I was subconsciously tensing my back muscles until they burned and I’d never let go of that tension so my back would burn 24/7. I had no idea I was doing this. I just felt the fire in my back. It was time to deal with all the stuff I’d be hiding from myself. I continued to meet with the subconscious change doctor who helped me uncover all my stuff and guess what? The back pain stopped! What a miracle.

Since that time, I notice that my body really reacts to my surroundings and thoughts. I have to watch what I think consciously and subconsciously because if I don’t, it can quickly turn into a tension headache, cold, injury etc. My system wants me to listen and If I don’t it forces me to! Tip one I learned is to watch my thoughts! This does not mean to ignore my thoughts or only think positive thoughts. This means be in touch with my thoughts. If you don’t like your thoughts, change them. The easiest way to change them is with subconscious change which reprograms the subconscious thought patterns that seem to derail us. I’ve heard scientists say that 93% of our thoughts are the same every day. No wonder we get the same results in our lives and find it hard to change. If we want to change the print out of our life we have to start with our mind.

I was seeing a pain client the other day and we had the discussion of how will he know when his pain stops. Will he feel the pain stop in his body and then his mind will acknowledge the pain is gone or will he get rid of the pain thoughts in his mind and then they will go away in his body. Do you feel something and then think it or think it and then feel it? Either way, if you want to change any part of your life, you’ve got to break the habitual cycle of the mind regarding that thought pattern.

What’s the cause of your pain? What’s the cause of your troubles? What’s the cause of your unhappiness? What’s the cause of the things that are going on in your life that you don’t like? Maybe these things have a message for you? Think about the message. What is it? What can you learn? YOU are the missing peace in your life.