When you think about your life, what’s the undercurrent? Is it joy and resilience or something less desirable? One things I’ve really enjoyed about getting older is learning things like life is what I make it. I always thought it was more black and white when I was young. Something bad happened so I’d be mad or upset. Something good happened so I’d be happy. I’ve learned it can be like that but there’s a better way.

I’ve been enjoying the recent Time magazine in their August/September 2017 edition which talks about The Science of Happiness, New Discoveries for a More Joyful Life. In her article Nine Ways To Feel More Joy, Kate Lowenstein recommends:

  1. Buy experiences instead of things. A concert for example will produce more Joy than will buying a sweater for example.
  2. Be Bullish About “Me” Time. Put on your own oxygen mask first before you can help others.
  3. Forget Self Improvement. Love who you already are. Start being.
  4. Make Tough Stuff Work.Those who go through the hardest things seems to learn great lessons they wouldn’t trade back if they could. Find the silver lining.
  5. Be Generous With Your Time. Doing things for others brings joy.
  6. Spend 21 Minutes Focusing On Your Relationship. Be proactive! Schedule and spend quality time together.
  7. Find a way to bring joy to your commute. Music, audio books, reflection and gratitude can help.
  8. Fake it till you feel it.If you are feeling down, give yourself a big cheesy grin and see if you can’t lighten your own mood. Not every day will be joyous and that’s okay. Luckily, if today is rough, tomorrow will probably be better.

Mandy Oaklander speaks about resilience. How well do you bounce back? Here are 10 tips that experts say will help you be more resilient when life happens.

  1. Develop a core set of beliefs that nothing can shake.
  2. Try to find meaning in whatever stressful or traumatic thing has happened.
  3. Try to maintain a positive outlook.
  4. Take cues from someone who is especially resilient.
  5. Don’t run from things that scare you: Face them.
  6. Be quick to reach out for support when things go haywire.
  7. Learn new things as often as you can.
  8. Find an exercise regimen you’ll stick to.
  9. Don’t beat yourself up or dwell on the past.
  10. Recognize what makes you uniquely strong-and own it.

Life-“It is only possible to live happily ever after on a day-to-day basis.” -Margaret Wander Bonanno

How do you find joy, resilience and happily ever after?