Would you like your brain and energy field studied by famous neuroscientist Dr. Jeffrey Fannin?

Why would you want to be studied?

To understand the science of you.

Do you want to feel like YOU 2.0?

Dr. Fannin will first measure YOU 1.0.

Then Jenny will help you transform to YOU 2.0.

Then Dr. Fannin will measure YOU 2.0 and show you the science of how you transformed your brain and energy field to create new results in your life.

When you transform your brain and energy field, you positively change your point of attraction, overcome your challenges, and hit your goals.

Where is your set point on this scale?

When you wake up in the morning, where are you on this scale?

When you sit in traffic, where are you on this scale?

When your expectations are not met, where are you on this scale?

When you interact with others, where are you on this scale?

When you go to bed at night, where are you on this scale?

Do you hang out in joy, empowerment, and love automatically? Is that your set point? Or do you hang out lower on the scale?

If you want to transform your set point so you automatically feel, think, act, react and create differently, consider applying to be in our study!

Application Step 1, schedule a free 30-minutes with Jenny here.

To your very best life-

Jenny and the Balanced You™ team