Delight Your Clients By Maximizing Your Coaching Success!

Hi, I’m Jenny Harkleroad, owner of Balanced You™, where coaches hire us to transform their client’s ultimate success.

Some things in life have a way of catching our attention.

Why do coaches hire us? Because most of their clients are stuck in mind chatter, self-sabotage and limiting beliefs.

We certify coaches in my advanced subconscious transformation process.

Bottom line, After working with us, coaches become their client’s hero, guaranteed.

I had been struggling with chronic pain, a bad marriage, and past traumas and then…

I broke my back and my life suddenly changed.

Here is my story...

In 2013, I was addicted to pain medication; my marriage was on the rocks, and I broke my back.

The way I turned this all around it what your clients are looking for.

I had gotten to a point where I was both desperate to change my circumstances yet hopeless because I could see no way out.

This was me on August 10, 2013. I was camping and hiking with family and friends on Mt. Laguna, California. After a morning hike, I got to a ledge and thought I could jump down. But when I landed on a rock 9 or 10 feet below, I felt a crunch in my back and I could not move. My husband called 911.

This is the helicopter that came to get me. In the hospital I got the very bad news that I had broken my back!!!

For almost the next 3-years, I tried all manner of eastern and western medicine to get better. 

accident-rescue pic

This was me on August 10, 2013. I was camping and hiking with family and friends on Mt. Laguna, California. After a morning hike, I got to a ledge and thought I could jump down. But when I landed on a rock 9 or 10 feet below, I felt a crunch in my back and I could not move. My husband called 911.

This is the helicopter that came to get me. In the hospital I got the very bad news that I had broken my back!!!


For almost the next 3-years, I tried all manner of eastern and western medicine to get better. 

This was me on August 10, 2013. I was camping and hiking with family and friends on Mt. Laguna, California. After a morning hike, I got to a ledge and thought I could jump down. But when I landed on a rock 9 or 10 feet below, I felt a crunch in my back and I could not move. My husband called 911.

This is the helicopter that came to get me. In the hospital I got the very bad news that I had broken my back!!!

For almost the next 3-years, I tried all manner of eastern and western medicine to get better. 

I knew I had to somehow transform myself out of this condition,

but how???

Thankfully, I found my solution.  My answer was an 86-year-old medical doctor. He told me that he could help me change my brain and that would change my pain. I didn’t believe him. I didn’t understand how my brain could have anything to do with my back, but I was desperate and gave it a try. After seeing him 6 times, I was completely healed. Yes, you read that right. The pain stopped. It just shut-off. I was free to live my life again. So I did! I took my best friend down to the bay and we started doing yoga tricks.

I changed my brain which transformed my pain and my life.

Then this doctor helped me get over my pain pill addiction I had in just two sessions of brain change. Unheard of!

Then I learned how to program my own mind for success and healed my marriage and transformed my happiness.

So, what does my past pain have to do your coaching business?

Today, my passion is to teach coaches a powerful way to help their clients transform by tapping into modern science and helping their clients program their brain for success. 

You’ve taught your clients what to do to succeed. Why are they not doing it? It’s their limiting beliefs and self-sabotage keeping them stuck. Would you like to help your clients get past being stuck faster than you ever realized was possible?

Are you ready to learn a tool with guaranteed success for your clients?

This process will not only change your coaching success but your success as well!

Did I mention, this tool is guaranteed to work for you!?!

Learn how this process can transform your coaching success by getting Jenny's Free Coaching Masterclass

What People Are Saying

The change in the client of ours that we sent you is unreal. This will propel her forward faster than anything else we could have done with her. Thank you!”
"In the past couple of months, I have experienced major shifts in my personal and professional life and seen more progress in areas where I hadn't seen much progress for years."
Financial Planner
“I am more confident, bold, centered and fearless! I hit top salesperson of the quarter! I’m more consistent, it’s easier to connect with others, and things no longer get to me that used to bother me. I’m lighter hearted and always laughing."
Insurance Sales
"I am able to stay focused at work. I am engaging better with the colleagues that report to me and have been able to keep them focused at work as well. I have increased my production at work and we have met and exceeded our goals for the year. I could not be happier.”
Bank VP
“I was able to achieve immediate results. I cannot stress enough the importance of being aware of how much stronger you can be if you learn and are able to use the power of your subconscious mind. The benefits are endless. I highly recommend it.”
~Lilia Davis
“I am amazed that the outcome is so positive. The exam continues to have a 20% pass rate and to date there are less than 170 people across the United States that have earned this designation. I PASSED the exam!”
~Rosemarie J. Litoff

Based In Science

Jenny wanted scientific proof for you that her process really does change the brain. She hired world renown PhD. Dr. Jeffery Fannin to brain map her process live and remotely to see what happens in the brain during the process.

Q: Does Jenny’s Summit Transformation™ work?

A: According to Dr. Fannin, PhD, “Jenny’s process works!” He said we can quote him on that!
Why does it work, because Jenny’s process, Summit Transformation®, creates the coherence and amplitude to change brain patterns, which change subconscious beliefs, which changes your cellular response, which changes the printout of your life. That’s why our clients have such great results!

And, that is why your clients can have such great results when you learn this process.

Learn how this process can transform your coaching success by getting Jenny's Free Coaching Masterclass

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Program your 2020 goals into your subconscious mind with Jenny!

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