

Stressed Out?

In Pain?

We can help!

Join Us for

Transformation Tuesdays with Jenny

Changing Your Brain with Your Mind™

Every Tuesday, Jenny will walk you through scientifically proven brain exercises to help you create your best life.

Imagine feeling mad or bad or sad and being able to switch it.

Imagine feeling unworthy or unloved or undeserving or unappreciated and being able to switch it.

Imagine feeling fearful or worried or overwhelmed or stuck or burnt out and being able to switch it.

Imagine feeling like you are unsure of your purpose and being able to switch it.

Imagine struggling with relationships and being able to switch it.

Imagine struggling in your professional life and being able to switch it.

Imagine having health struggles body and mind and being able to switch it.

Person Eyes

Now You Can!

Either you are controlling your brain or it is controlling you.

Get back in the driver’s seat and create your best life!

If you’re like most people, when you have a challenge you do you best to overcome it.

But sometimes the answers are not that obvious and even when they are, change seems hard.

So what do you do when change is not happening?

Continue to struggle?

Beat yourself up about your struggles?


Numb yourself with addictive behaviors?

Ready for a solution?

Your wish has been granted!

Join Jenny Harkleroad in the Transformation Tuesday’s LIVE Zoom Group!

Yes! I Want to Join the Transformation Group!


Now on Sale for $1,997 per year or 4 easy payments for weekly Live Zoom transformation plus the recordings for your wellness and success.

(Every Tuesday for 1 hour)

*You will get the recording of the call each Wednesday at 9 am pacific time so if you can’t jump on the Zoom live or want to repeat the session anytime you can.

Join Us for Transformation!

Transformation Tuesdays!

“Since working with Jenny and her programs, my communication has improved 100% with my husband. Understanding the role the brain has over my body pain has reduced my knee pain by 80% and increased my activity. With my goal to increase my income, I have discovered a variety of new sources of income. I wanted to find my purpose for the next 5-10 years and with the help of Jenny and her transformation programs, I have and am working towards setting up and launching my business. Thank you for helping me create my ultimate success.”


  • Waking up happy and staying that way all day
  • Enjoying more loving relationships
  • Knowing and living your purpose

  • Letting go of the past

  • Creating your ultimate health and wellness

  • Achieving your goals

  • Solving your problems

  • Feeling your best

Feel the power of knowing you are in charge of your life because it’s no longer happening to you, you are creating it.

Enjoy living your best life as you transform how you feel from the inside out.  

The freedom to be how you want to be and who you want to be every minute of every day!

Now, you can lose the struggle, the stuck, the fear, the worry, the doubt, the pain, and turn it all around!

Stop struggling and thrive!

Yes! I Want to Join the Transformation Group!


Now on Sale for $1,997 per year or 4 easy payments for weekly Live Zoom transformation plus the recordings for your wellness and success.

(Every Tuesday for 1 hour)

*You will get the recording of the call each Wednesday at 9 am pacific time so if you can’t jump on the Zoom live or want to repeat the session anytime you can.

Join Us for Transformation!

Transformation Tuesdays!

“Before I started working with Jenny and her programs, I was feeling serious overwhelm, an inability to focus, and frequent tears and tightness in my throat. Now, the overwhelm is gone, my concentration has gone from a few minutes at a time to a couple of hours at a time, and I feel much more stable. I complete tasks. I feel hopeful, motivated and energized. And, my home life has improved, too. Thank you!”


Also Included...


Bonus 1

PDF Copy of Jenny's Book on Overcoming Pain

Bonus 2

PDF Copy of Jenny's workbook for Happy Relationships

Bonus 3

PDF Copy of Jenny's workbook on the science of money

Client Results...

I feel like a different person & am on a different spiritual plain then I was even 30 days ago. I continue to grow each day using your balancing & everything I have learned here! Thank you Jenny!


I started working with Jenny and her programs in hopes of overcoming my foot pain. I was having to ice my foot a lot and it was really painful. The doctors said it was planters fasciitis. After one session with Jenny the pain was gone! I decided to go back to Jenny and work on my business goals like having more confidence and less fear as I build my business. I’m happy to share that I’ve been building my business without fear and easily keeping my focus on my dreams. I believe in Jenny’s process and am promoting it to my family and friends. Thanks!


My Dear Jenny, since meeting you and implementing the tools, you’ve taught me to “change my mind” and therefore my life. I’ve had so much fun obtaining the life I’d never dreamed I could have; my imagination has exploded with the possibilities about becoming a whole new radiant person! With your help, I have restored confidence in myself and the endless possibilities in my life! Thank you for the tender care you give me.”


I used to hold on to so much stress. Stress at work with clients, stress at home with the family, and stress about being a good provider for my family. I can confidently say that the balancing techniques Jenny created will absolutely make a positive difference in your life. Answer two questions: Are you stressed today? Would you like it to be different tomorrow? If your answer to both of these questions is YES, then you really need work with Jenny and her programs. I am thankful to know Jenny and have experienced her company’s results first-hand. Highly recommended A+.



Jenny helps you identify what you want different in your life, takes you through a scientifically proven process to retrain your brain to create your best life, and helps you set an action plan to create this new reality in your life.

Your mind processes 50,000-80,000 thoughts per day and psychologists say 80% of these thoughts are negative. You’ve got a lot of work to do to get you where you want to be! Like The David, completed by Michelangelo, we help you to keep chipping away at your limiting beliefs until you really can’t believe how good your life is and then you can just keep making it even better! Most clients start noticing transformations within a week of working with us.

We hear you! We’d love to have private sessions with you!

Schedule a free consult with us today by clicking HERE.

The great news is, you don’t have to share anything!

You come to the group Zoom call with your Goal, and Jenny walks you through the process to repattern your brain, making your goal your new subconscious programming, which makes it your new automatic.

Jenny then helps you create an action plan to strengthen these new neural pathways, which also helps you create your ultimate success.

Stop struggling and thrive!

Yes! I Want to Join the Transformation Group!


Now on Sale for $1,997 per year or 4 easy payments for weekly Live Zoom transformation plus the recordings for your wellness and success.

(Every Tuesday for 1 hour)

*You will get the recording of the call each Wednesday at 9 am pacific time so if you can’t jump on the Zoom live or want to repeat the session anytime you can.

Join Us for Transformation!

Transformation Tuesdays!

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Masterclass Registration

Program your 2020 goals into your subconscious mind with Jenny!

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